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Supporting the Adrenal Glands

If women were a car, all the warning dashboard lights would be on like check engine but we would keep driving as we are too busy caring about everyone else.

Is this you? Most women go and go and go until their bodies say, "enough already!" and simply quit on them. In a fury of frustration they may push through the quitting body only to wind up with an irreparable health condition.

We all like to think we manage stress and pressure adequately, yet one look at our body and perhaps it tells a different story.


Many do not know what the adrenal glands are or do, let alone are able to locate them on their own body. It should come as no surprise then when the topic of adrenal fatigue comes up few understand what to look for or if they even have such a condition. Adrenal glands are small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, and our response to stress. Adrenal glands produce hormones required for healthy life. The adrenal cortex produces hormones that controls sex (androgens, estrogens), salt balance in the blood (aldosterone), and sugar balance (cortisol). The adrenal medulla produces hormones involved in the fight-or-flight response (catecholamines, or adrenaline type hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine).

What's interesting is when you research different organs, there's layman's speech and then there's med professional speech. Turns out we all have access to a dictionary and would be wise to read through the professional speak as well. After all, doesn't it make sense that we know just as much about our own bodies as someone who simply went to school for 8 years?


In order to assess whether you might be wrestling with a condition, you'll want to know what the common symptoms are. Here are just a few manifestations of what we call adrenal fatigue:

  • deep long lasting exhaustion

  • water retention

  • weight gain

  • lack of motivation

  • depression/anxiety

  • brain fog

  • insomnia

  • feelings of chronic stress

  • ongoing fatigue

  • muscle weakness

  • loss of appetite and weight

  • abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea

  • low blood pressure

  • irritability

  • salt cravings

  • headaches

  • excessive sweating

  • irregular menstruation in women (the ovaries and adrenals support each other)

Many would look at these conditions and chalk it all up to being a working mother or having too many to dos on their plates. Be that as it may, one still needs to address these conditions before something worse befalls them- no matter if it's a matter of too busy or whatever the cause. In fact, many women struggle with these symptoms but tend to chastise themselves for not eating properly or feel a lack of motivation. They wonder aloud if they just need to stick to a diet, an exercise routine or gut it out another day. Never would they consider it's not their fault. Other considerations are toxins, thyroid issues, & blood sugar issues. Once your adrenal glands sink to a low such as this it can become difficult to stop the cycle of fatigue.

So how do we feel like kids again and have that unending energy? After all, when our adrenal glands are in shut down mode, thriving with an energy you once felt can seem near impossible.

  1. Use your essential oils to support the adrenal glands. Rosemary and Clove, over the adrenals in the morning just before your shower may stimulate and energize overtaxed adrenal glands. Gently massage the adrenals before application, then add 1 tsp V-6 carrier oil and 1 drop each of clove and rosemary.

  2. Use your essential oils in the evening to reset the sleep cycle. Lavender, Clary Sage and Ylang Ylang are perfect when applied over the adrenals about 1-2 hours prior to bedtime.

  3. Supplements- licorice root, maca root, golden root, ginseng- Young Living only has the ginseng in the form of Nitro. In addition to this supplement, Young Living also carries Super B, which will give your adrenal glands a kick start. Super C is incredible as well support the adrenal glands. Also supplements such as Zinc & Selenium support and heal your body and the adrenal glands.

  4. Food- avocados, quality protein, & fatty cold water fish and organic vegetables.

Begin to implement these four steps into your daily life, one at a time, in order to start the healing process. Be patient with yourself and your body.


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