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Fruit to Roots

A new series addressing key conditions

I was sitting in an event recently getting all kinds of inspired to write about fruit and roots and healing dis ease. It's very challenging for me to actually give my full attention on a topic discussing conditions in the body because my mind is always whirling around asking questions about why is this, how can we be rid of this in the body, where is the root?

I appreciate the fact that Young Living has a plethora of supplements and essential oils available to us to assist along the healing journey. These truly are the missing piece to most situations we find ourselves in. Yet when we don’t know why the fruit has occurred, meaning, addressing the root, then we do no better than apply the medicinal band aid and run a risk of the condition emerging or springing up as something else.

In our world today most people address the fruit of a problem. This is backwards. Take a headache for example- in the allopathic world we deal with it by taking a pill or prescribed med. In the natural world, we apply an oil to the head or under the tongue, (Pan-Away, people, this is a game changer). But these only address the fruit of the tree, so to speak. The condition of the body, whether good or bad, is simply the fruit of the roots. In the case of a headache, there are numerous things to consider.

  1. The need for more sleep

  2. You walked by someone with an incredible amount of perfume/cologne.

  3. Hormone imbalances

  4. Toxins in the house/environment

  5. Stress, or stress inducing lifestyle

  6. And of course, gut issues, yet that one has a host of other triggers needing to be addressed.

Using this example one can see that we really would be wise to get after the root of the problem rather than deal with bad fruit. It’s like this- if you had a tree that had rotten apples, would you try to heal the apples and turn them into good apples, or would you see what is to be done about the tree? Even more than that, a wise farmer knows that is truly is best practice to search out the soil that surrounds the roots, what’s there? What are the roots drawing their nutrients from?

This write up is to get your mind percolating around a new series called ‘From Fruit to Roots’. In this series I will be touching on ten different conditions that befall most humans in our world today, some common causes at the root, how to address them and rid your body of the condition once and for all.

If you are in a participatory frame of mind, I would love it if you share a common condition you need ot address, or someone you lie needs to. You'll find that a group coaching/discussion dynamic is powerful.


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