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Always, the oils always work.

Essential oils are VERY different from alopathic medicine...

Say it with me-



I hear all too often- "essential oils didn't work for me". Wait, what?

What does that even mean, they didn't work?

Essential oils always work. It's like saying that lightbulb didn't work because it wasn't bright enough. The lightbulb worked, it just wasn't the wattage you needed, or perhaps it wasn't placed where you needed to see with ease, or maybe, just maybe, your eyes have grown so dim, you'll not only need a brighter bulb, you'll require glasses as well.

Essential oils always work.

The problem is, for about 100 years we have been taught only on fake medicine. I say fake because scientists find what works in nature and duplicate it by creating a manmade medicine.

It's like fake food, McD's chicken nuggets versus mom's homemade chicken.

Sure, the nuggets will fill your stomach, but forget about any type of healing or nutrients.

Essential oils always work, but you must understand how they work. See, with fake medicine, it's so simple. Destructive, but sure it is simple. Meds require just the knowledge of what and how much and how often. It's pretty much a one size fits all. "Take two of these and call me in the morning".

Essential oils demand a closer look at what is going on in the body. They require asking the Creator of the body, what is happening, why is it falling below the wellness line and what specifically needs to be done about the situation. We must cease to "prescribe" peppermint for a stomach ache and ask, why the stomach ache? Too many McD's nuggets? Oh my friend, you're going to need Digize, Allerzyme and Detoxzyme. (maybe a stomach pump) Stressed about an upcoming event? The belly will require Stress Away and possibly layered with Peppermint.

Most of all, Essential Oils require patience. While they are quickly absorbed in the blood stream, they are also out within minutes, and many times you must reapply.



  1. 22 seconds to enter the brain

  2. 2 minutes to enter the bloodstream

  3. 20 minutes until every cell in the body is affected

And with that, the oils are now out of the body. So if after 30 minutes you or your loved one is not fairing any better, you would be wise to reapply.

Essential oils do work, every time, always. If there is a challenge, it's not the oil that failed, it's always a misunderstanding of what was required.

Before you throw out the lightbulb, be sure the wattage is correct, and the eyes are not failing.


Essential oils each have similar properties so you don't have to look too far to find a suitable oil that meets your specific needs. The oils are adaptable meaning as we apply the oil, our DNA will allow it respond with what is happening within the cells. Plus, depending on how long someone has had a condition will also give you an indication of how long and often do you need to reapply or ingest. In the case of a condition we call 'fever', the oils are apply in order to draw out the virus causing the fever response, not to stop the body from fevering. Fake medicine is taken in order to stop the fever altogether. When we do this, the body cannot do what it was designed to do. Fevers are the body's way of healing! So if we take that away, the body is no longer doing its job. However, if we apply an oil, diligently, every 30 minutes, we assist the body, by pulling out the condition causing the fever. Eventually, the fever subsides and all is well.

Understanding how your body works is key. Many people depend on a doctor to tell them how their body works, yet any middle school child can tell you because they learn anatomy in 7th grade. Somehow when we reach the age of adulthood, the very notion of knowing how we were put together becomes absurd. In a word where we are fighting manmade viruses, wisdom tells us to know our bodies and the Creator who made them. Then and only then, can we truly heal from any ailment which tries to invade our cells.

You have just one life, just one body. Care for it well by using the tools God created long before He made you.


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