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Aversions to Essential Oils

and why it happens

The truth is, no one is allergic to creation at birth..

The caveat there rests on- did the child from the womb have ZERO exposure to toxins, negativity, polluted water etc.

In other words- was the child birthed in a virtual Garden of Eden? If not, as I suspect many in our world today are not, then sure. An allergy to some thing or another might be present.

Typically however, adverse reactions to creation occur over time with the accumulation of negative emotions and an onslaught of toxic chemicals.

first, the emotion response

As mentioned, when I first began using essential oils, I loathed the smell of Stress Away. One may ask the question, why? After all, most have described this oil as “vacation in a bottle”. The fact that almost everyone I knew at the time loved this particular blend was alarming to me because I thought there must be something wrong with me if I don’t like the smell of vacations!


Nothing was wrong with me.

The lack of love for Stress Away was not in the person, but rather the person’s (me) circumstances.

We call this an adverse response to essential oils. Many people have this exact response with certain oils. I find men tend to have one of two responses- either finding oils totally and completely repulsive as a whole or wanting to crawl into the bottle and create and empire of essential oil selling. The former guy usually (not always) also has an aversion to dealing with their emotional junk.

When someone does not enjoy the aroma of oils, the working theory I have found to be true most of the time is- they have some negative emotion tied to what that particular oil releases from the body.

Think of it this way- if someone is not use to facing negative emotions but has rather has been taught to stuff them, when faced with an oil created to specifically uproot that emotion very likely- they are going to have some situations rise up in their soul.

Here are some essential oils and the emotions they deal with:

  • Abundance- poverty mindset, worry, scarcity

  • Cedarwood- anger, lack of protection from

  • Di Gize- feeling of disillusioned (there are many of us who LOVE this oil)

  • Dream Catcher- fear, competitive in a comparing sense

  • Forgiveness- bitterness, betrayal, distrust

  • Frankincense- worthless

  • Geranium- people pleasing issues

  • Joy- grief, anxiety, disappointment

  • Lavender- abandonment, criticism, fear

  • Lemongrass- resentment

  • Palo Santo- anguish, feeling incompetent

  • Patchouli- shut down

  • Peace and Calming- depression, control issues, scared, victim mentality

  • Purification- anger, fear of rejection, negative thoughts in general

  • Sandalwood- dread, lack of faith, fear (that one gets around)

  • Sensation- violated

  • Tea Tree- feeling stupid

  • Valor- fear of conflict, aggression, defensiveness

  • Ylang Ylang- drained (emotionally), possessiveness

This is just a sampling of essential oils I have heard of over the years that people shy away from at first. There is a book that I found and studied from when I first began learning about emotions- Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils. It is a fabulous resource should you want to do a deeper dive.

Understand that if you or someone you are sharing essential oils with, has a negative response to the aroma of an oil- be gentle on yourself and them. Their body is telling you NO. Listen to it, without judgement and ridicule. This may be the first time ever that your body or friend’s has been allowed to say NO. Honor it and move slowly with great explanation that it is not the oils, but rather something inside that is feeling a ways about what the oil is doing.

Imagine having lived on junk food for much of your life, but one day a friend makes you this gorgeous salad. When your body experiences the effects of spinach and kale, your digestive system may have harsh words for you.

As with a junk food body getting kale for the first time, so goes the negative emotions receiving an emotion “cleansing” for the first time.


and now, the physical response

Understand that if you or someone you are sharing essential oils with, has a negative response to the aroma of an oil- be gentle on yourself and them. Their body is telling you NO. Listen to it, without judgement and ridicule. This may be the first time ever that your body or friend’s has been allowed to say NO. Honor it and move slowly with great explanation that it is not the oils, but rather something inside that is feeling a ways about what the oil is doing.

Imagine having lived on junk food for much of your life, but one day a friend makes you this gorgeous salad. When your body experiences the effects of spinach and kale, your digestive system may have harsh words for you.


The aversion to essential oils physically is a fairly straight forward why. Most of the time the person who is experiencing an adverse response to the essential oil likely has a build up of toxins. Toxins can be stored in the brain, the fat tissue, the liver, the lymph system and the extracellular matrix of the spleen. This is so important to understand when you begin using essential oils and/or are sharing these with others.

Essential oils have many benefits and functions, one of which being that these will draw out toxins, especially from the body.

I have found at times if I shared essential oils with someone and they end up spiking a headaches, the culprit is their body is overloaded with toxins. The reasons for toxins built up are as varied as the people we meet. Some of the reasons include using dryer sheets so their skin is near constantly absorbing chemicals, or they have had candles burning round the clock, or even cleaning with toxic based cleaning products. Again this is just a tiny sample. It’s important to note however, that not every person who uses toxic products will have an adverse reaction. I never have and my house was filled to the brim with toxins. I’m merely saying this is something to look at if you or someone else has a negative response.

In addition, someone could have a negative reaction to essential oils because they are emotionally toxic. One common response I see is headaches. Someone uses an oil, it pesters their negative emotion built up and boom! Headaches flares up. The reason why this happens is truly too long to explain in a post. Just know that the body treats unhealed negative emotions has a toxin.

Finally, and this one is a not too often seen but it does happen so I will mention. Sometimes someone who’s diet is atrocious will have an adverse response to the application of an oil. Again, the body is getting detoxed quite quickly and if there is a built up of junk food in the body, then it may revolt when something healthy is added. Imagine eating fast food for your entire life then one day you sit down to eat a giant kale salad. While this is incredibly healthy for you, your digestive system will not appreciate your new efforts. Low and slow is my motto when creating a new lifestyle of health and wellness.

If you or anyone you know has had an adverse response physically to using essential oils, as long as it is a pure essential oil like Young Living, know that it is not the oil. I have seen an untold number of bad reactions to oils purchased from Amazon, or some cheaper source. Think of it this way- if you eat a hamburger at Mc D’s and it makes you sick (hopefully you’d never go back) and then someone wants to cook a burger from grass-fed beef, you wouldn’t say “oh no thank you, I’m allergic to beef”, would you?

It's the same idea here. Using essential oils for a host of reasons is a brilliant choice to make. Should you be responding in an adverse way, I advise you to take a few of these points and see for yourself if any of this resonates.

Until next article,



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