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Essential oils tend to create a bit of controversy, even among believers in Jesus. Given that there are over 600 verses that discuss oils and the plants they come from, I find this most disturbing. Some go so far as to say using essential oils is a form of idol worship. There certainly is idol worship in our world, yet that statement is misplaced. In ancient cultures all over the world, the healers of any society were the priests. When science came on the scene men’s faith in God began to be replaced by faith in science in the belief that the scientific method could provide answers to all life’s questions. Textbooks now are completely void of any mention of God, yet He is still Healer. Prayer and God are not required in medical school. Yet, God is the One who heals. It is Him and Him alone that will bring healing and allow it to take place.



Over 100,000 people die every year in the US alone from properly administered prescription drugs, and another 100,000 die from improperly administered drugs and medical mistakes. This does not take into account the recent virus and the number of deaths which occurred in March due to medical mismanagement.

Between the time of 1993-98 fewer than 200 deaths occurred from taking herbs and supplements (not essential oils), and almost 1 Million people died from properly prescribed medications. This has become the leading cause of death in the US, only a little higher than cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The roots of modern medicine are revealed in the Greek word used in scripture- pharmakeuein, meaning to practice witchcraft, the word pharmokon meaning poison.

In the book of Galatians, 5:19-21, Paul lists acts of the flesh as The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions. Paul uses the word pharmakeia, medicine or drugs from a pharmacy. Looks like the bible is warning us against such medicine.

It is important to be equipped with the knowledge of words and how they are used so that you fully understand the use and intent of oils, incense and herbs as we find them in the scriptures.

If oils are from God, how then should we use them?

Glossing over the hundreds of scriptures that speak to the use of anointing oils and their use is just unacceptable. Especially if we claim to hold fast to the word of God.

One aspect of God's character is His Divine provision. Throughout the ages He has provided something that we have only recently rediscovered~ liquid gold, AKA essential oils. These have made a profound impact on my own family and millions around the world. Many people have found life again from using these oils. The first mention of essential oils in the bible is Genesis 37:25; Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers for the price of 20 shekels of silver traders carrying spices, balms and myrrh.

The intent of discussing oils in scripture was to record God’s word. When they are mentioned it is more in the line of worshipping, religious ceremonies, and anointings for kings. In Matthew and Luke it’s mentioned as tithing as well. Emotionally uplifting and spiritual attributes of oils are suggested but not explained. Being a part of the times and cultures it is likely that to record such trivial matters was unthinkable.


With the advent of modern science as we now know it to be, we have the opportunity to research and discover how these oils ought to be used as well as their healing properties. Let's have a look-


of the wise...

In Genesis 1:29-30, God gives to mankind every plant and tree for food. The word for food is 'that which is eaten', the idea being for any reason, filling, nourishment or medicine.
In Ezekiel 47:12 we read, "on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of tress for food. Their leaves will not wither not their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing"
In Revelation 22:2 "the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."


with Cedarwood...

Imagine in the Garden of Eden what that must have smelled like- pure, unadulterated plant fragrances wafting through the air. As it turns out we can live in our comfortable abodes and still create a mini Eden.

Cedarwood is thought to be the oldest known oil distilled as the wood was used for all manner of objects and uses in Egypt and we see it in our scriptures as wood fit for a king as well as a place for worship.

Inhaling Cedarwood increases the ability to think clearly and opens the awareness needed for meditation (listening to God and chewing on His word) and prayer (you talking to God). Cedarwood has been suggested to prevent senility and Alzheimer's. Dating all the way back to 3500 BC, Cedarwood was used for situations such as temple worship, emotional clearing, mental clarity, embalming, and insect repellant.

For even more practical uses outside your daily worship, use this essential oil to remove blocks that hinder you from learning, especially when learning something new.

ATTENTION ALL YOU NEW TO HOME SCHOOLERS.... perhaps now is the time to open a fresh bottle of Cedarwood and go nuts on your children.

In addition to this, Cedarwood is a melatonin stimulant so you will get a deeper sleep when applying to the brain stem or diffusing at night.


fear, terror, dread, or co-dependency? Read on;


with Aloes (Sandalwood)...

Raise your hand if you've ever thought Sandalwood was a bit salty on the price? Joseph of Arimethea knew the cost, yet chose to invest $200,000 worth of Aloes and Myrrh to bury the body of our Lord. $90 doesn't sound too high now, does it?

Especially when understand truly how remarkable this essential oil is. As mentioned above, Sandalwood has been seen to help remove the negative emotions of fear, terror, dread and co-dependency. Overthink and worry too much? This one assists with that too. Remember, if you are put off OR if you find yourself so in love with this oil, both feelings indicated an emotional need for it. Dig in my friends, this is one to sit with.


Sandalwood reprograms miswritten information and carries oxygen at a cellular level. A drop over the face to tell your skin to regenerate in a youthful manner, over the abdomen for the ladies to encourage healthy reproductive activity, over the thyroid for a happy thyroid and finally- over the bladder to keep things flowing at a normal rate.


fear of facing the world or general difficulties? Read on;



Myrrh has long been an oil used as a fixative, something added to hold the aroma of another oil or scent source. The coolest part about that is when we hold the aroma longer, we also reap the benefits of that oil. Myrrh was also one the oils brought to Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In times past I would have said "if it's good enough for Jesus, it is sure enough for me". Yet, the wise men wouldn't have brought Jesus because He needed the oils, though they certainly had some benefit for Mary and Joseph seeing that the incense was quite valuable. The Wise Men brought what they treasured most.

Please think about this... what they TREASURED they GAVE.

It's super lovely to make up notions such as Mary needed it for birth or preventing stretch marks. While those benefits exist for us using Myrrh, it would not have been a use Mary had. By the time she was gifted Myrrh, the birthing was long over with, about 2 years later in fact. And stretch marks, hmmm, that certainly is taking liberty in the idea of vanity in an ancient culture who didn't put as much stock in what the body of a woman looked like. Let's not assume to know how she would have used it personally, given there was no fashion magazine to tell Mary her hip were akin to road maps, which, also not applicable.


Myrrh in ancient times was used for skin conditions, oral hygiene, embalming, and as an insect repellent.

In a modern sense with all our unchecked negative emotions swirling about, fear of facing the world is a key use for the oil of Myrrh. When fear of any kind is present the adrenals in the body take a hit. The best place to apply Myrrh when dealing with fears? You guessed it, adrenals!

When applying this oil it is best practice to praying pair an affirmation of "I AM safe, I FEEL secure" in order to train your mind to be fully and utterly at peace with the word around you.

Dig into your bibles my friends and note the ways this oil is mentioned. Also, in the case of our wealth Wise Men, they were also men who saw the signs in the sky, and knew this Child was special. The gifts they brought were prophetic as well, since Myrrh was an embalming oil. Pair that with the fact that when He was born, Jesus was wrapped in Mary's death clothes (common for a hugely pregnant woman to have on a road trip in case she died along the way). His birth was incredibly symbolic of what was to come.

Rather than shower your loved ones with gifts this year, perhaps your time and resources would be better spent on getting to know this Savior who came in such an obscure way, who was given truly strange yet wonderful gifts.


attention all bedwetters

Well you certainly are giving attention now are you not?

I purchased this oil for two reason-

  1. to remove cockroaches

  2. to help my little one stop wetting the bed.

It only worked on the second issue. The other required diatomaceous earth.

Let's talk some healing properties and get down to business.



Grounding, peaceful, serene... Yes these all describe the oil of Cypress and I should think just that alone would inspire one to create their own garden of sorts. It is also spiritually grounding and helps us accept change by allowing us to go with the flow and feeling more secure with ourselves.


When it comes to insecurities, the place many feel nervousness is in the bladder. I knew a women who would joke about needing to use the bathroom just before she got up on stage to speak. Oh no, not me, I was born with a mic in my hand. Someone else. But next to death, public speaking is a legit fear for most of the population.

So it should come as no surprise that if a child is more of the nervous nelly type, they may also have bedwetting challenges. Some may say it's because they are more heavy sleepers. Sure, Id buy that except our person's didn't cease until I applied Cypress over the bladder. This isn't isolated to children with bladder control challenges, my friends. I've watched tv, I've seen commercials... Also, I've been to a regular grocery store and see the products they sell. Perhaps Cypress over the bladder could calm the overactive stimulation and allow for better control? Just thinking out loud here....

In any case, sit with your Cypress today. Add 4-5 drops in your diffuser as you prepare for bed. Imagine if the whole world went to bed tonight feeling so incredibly secure and peaceful.




Available only in the Ancient oils collection, Onycha is a rare treat. It has been used in more modern times for over 200 years as the Tincture f Benzoin as an hospital antiseptic. With the super strains of viruses pharma defenses are unable to touch such things so many hospitals are rediscovering the effectiveness of the tincture. Not that you're going to hear about this on mainstream media however. Hence, why we have this group- to tell you all the truths about healing.


In the modern specific uses for Onycha we see it used for stimulating renal output and for all many of intestinal situations. Well, for the emotional response of terror, guess where it is suggested those emotions are stored? Yes! In the area of the bladder and colon- specifically peritoneum!

Inhale for bronchitis, sinusitis, colds, coughing and sore throat. Excellent for speeding up wound healing and prevents infection.

In addition, when this oil is blended with Rose, the aroma is euphoric!


Hero complex? Read on;

In review- In Revelation 22:2 "the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."


Between the time of 1993-98 fewer than 200 deaths occurred from taking herbs and supplements (not essential oils), and almost 1 Million people died from properly prescribed medications. This has become the leading cause of death in the US, only a little higher than cancer and cardiovascular disease. The roots of modern medicine are revealed in the Greek word used in scripture- pharmakeuein, meaning to practice witchcraft, the word pharmokon meaning poison. In the book of Galatians, 5:19-21, Paul lists acts of the flesh as The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions. Paul uses the word pharmakeia, medicine or drugs from a pharmacy. Looks like the bible is warning us against such medicine.

It is important to be equipped with the knowledge of words and how they are used so that you fully understand the use and intent of oils, incense and herbs as we find them in the scriptures.

Let's talk some healing properties and get down to business.



With this soft, sweet honey-like aroma it is easy to see how the oil of Cistus could be used to create your own personal garden. Shepards in the ancient world noted that the gum of rock rose became entangled in the sheep's wool and if there were any abrasions they would heal quickly. Much research has been conducted on the cell regeneration properties of this oil.


Rose of Sharon, or Cistus as it is more commonly known, has several underutilized properties. One being that this oil is an incredible mood lifter. But not only is it a happy it up type of oil, it is a permanent mood changer. The monoterpenes in Cistus reprogram cellular memory promoting permanent healing. This oil is a key ingredient in the blend Immupower, in case you wanted to note it's potential for healing.

For those with a hero complex- Cistus will assist in stopping the need to be a constant rescuer. Many do this to the point where they exhaust and drain their energy source. Unfortunately they also don't understand that by draining their own life blood, they can't give to others. Can't give what you do not have. If this is you, take some time with the oil, ask the question, "why do I feel the need to rescue others?"

The answer may surprise you...



Myrtle Purifying and cleansing properties are found in the drops of Myrtle. And in more modern times we find ourselves using this oil to heal and balance specific body systems such as the thyroid and hormones. Also for little ones, Myrtle is a beautiful respiratory support. As a matter of fact, many big people enjoy the benefits of reducing lung challenges by breathing this one in and applying to the chest.


While Myrtle is certainly a supportive essential oil for the skin, lungs, hormone, thyroid and hair there is a huge emotional blessing to this one as well. Think about it- Queen Esther was massaged with the oil of Myrtle and Myrrh for an entire year before becoming the Queen. It wasn't so she could smell exceptional. She was pick out of hundreds of young women, she was about to marry a man who banished his last wife because she wouldn't perform for him and his drunk friends- my word! Esther had to have been a little nervous to say the least. But this was common practice to massage those preparing to meet a king. So what was so special about these two oils, they could have used any. Myrtle oil helps balance the male and female energies of the body by releasing anger and inner conflict. Hmmm... now we are beginning to see. It will help those who feel suppressed or confused by life as well. I should think Esther may have had a little bit of confusion and felt like she had to suppress her true feelings. The thought of being forced to parade around in front of a pompous king gives me pause, you? It also balances the male and female energies so we are able to tap into both. Often times we are taught to be one sided and avoid masculine or feminine traits. One time we may need a softer more feminine approach, other times, we may need to apply a more firmer masculine hand to a situation. I imagine Esther tapped into one of these more when she called Haman on the carpet! Knowing when and how to use these energies requires the utmost wisdom.

DID YOU KNOW? The book of Esther has it all, intrigue, sex, battles, suspense... it's a wonder why so many flock to movie theaters yet haven't read through this book! Next time you find yourself with little to do, apply your Myrtle, sit down with Queen Esther, and enjoy her bold and courageousness. Perhaps someday soon you may find yourself in a predicament for such a time as this.




I've heard it said that no one ought to create a holy anointing blend and certainly not for personal use. Unfortunately those who say such things have little understanding of the word of God, or the power we were given when the Holy Spirit came upon us.

You see, we are a royal priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9) So all that the priests did in the OT we are called, (mandated) to do on this side of the cross. One of the jobs of priests was healing the sick and anointing with oils. Mercifully with the advent of modern tech we have someone else to grind the plants, distill the oil and bottle it for us. Phew! Who's glad that job is not ours??

In the holy anointing oil we find the oil of Cassia.


Cassia releases the negative emotion of dependence. Any dependence on any thing other than Creator God is no bueno. Particularly if it's a dependence on self. I love that this oil was in the anointing oil, giving the priests a constant reminder for the sufficiency being in God, being steadfast, as it were. Steadfast is the opposite of dependency. Steadfast, immovable, that is what we are in God.

Rich in biblical history and mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records, the “Ebers Papyrus” dating from the 16th century BC, Cassia is historically used for a natural remedy to support healthy immunity. Also found in the blend Exodus II. Also, a key oil for this current global situation. Always mix with a carrier oil since this is a hot oil and can cause skin irritations. Add a drop to your Ningxia Red for an antioxidant boost and a yummy Red Hot taste!




King David certainly knew how to use this oil. But something always gave me pause- why did he say in Psalm 51, "cleanse me with Hyssop and I shall be clean"? He could have said 'cleanse me with Your love', or 'cleanse me with Your fire'. But David chose to say with Hyssop. You see he had just gotten called on the carpet from having an affair, fathering a cild from said affair and then, scandal of all scandals, murdering the woman's husband to cover it all up.

Turns out, King David had a thing for the ladies, a bit of an addict, if you will. Outside of scientific research we don't see the answer here. The ancients knew, but we have to dig a little bit.

The studies show that Hyssop removes our desire to engage in destructive habits and addictions. It is a purifier, a cleansing oil.

Hyssop was also used to anoint the doorposts when the children of Israel left Egypt, why? This was a symbol of the blood sacrifice that would eventually be accomplished on the cross centuries later. Jesus was given Hyssop on the cross. Many believe the ladies of mercy offered it to provide relief, (albeit in vain), to those dying by crucifixion.


Hyssop has been shown to relieve anxiety and respiratory infections. It is detoxifying and emotionally balancing. Hyssop is in the same plant family as many of the raindrop oils if that gives you any idea how valuable this one is for our emotions and physical well being.

If you are one to choke down your emotions by either mental stuffing or with the aid of food, Hyssop can relieve that desire. Applied over the throat, this will give you the courage to release your emotions rather than swallowing them.

Finally, Frankincense.

"Then the Lord said to Moses, “Take for yourself spices, stacte and onycha and galbanum, spices with pure frankincense; there shall be an equal part of each." Exodus 30:34



I cannot think of a better way to create your own healing garden than with Frankincense. Available as you know, inside the Ancient oils collection and out, this essential oil is truly worth more than we pay for it. Egyptian traditions considered Frankincense to be a universal cure all. It was said that frankincense was good for everything from gout to a broken head.

In Numbers Aaron doused himself with it before standing between a plague and the people of God. Fumigation was just one of the ways that the ancients made use of incense and oils.

In Isaiah we see it was spoken of as one of the gifts the Wise Men would bring to Messiah. Remember, they gave of what they most treasured. Frankincense was a highly prized oil, and today it still is by those who are wise.


The cure-all, meditation enhancer and spiritual awakener- Frankincense has powerful everyday practical use. Beginning from birth all the way to death, those who are wise know to anoint themselves with Frankincense daily, and at times, hourly. When Zion was diagnosed with cancer this oil was one recommended to use. It seemed all too fantastic to think just an oil was going to beat back a fierce foe such as cancer. But when you study the research, you begin to see that really, yea. It does work like that. Cancer is no different than a cold- just a touch more aggressive. All this means is time is of the essence. The properties of this oil have shown to cause cells to return to their optimal state, a state of regenerating cells normally. It occurred to me that if all cancer was is an abnormal mutation of cells, then it seemed easy to just tell the cells to regenerate normally, yes? It truly is wonderful having such simply faith and simply ideas. I rarely get caught up in the thought of something being impossible...

Not to mention, this oil stimulates the body's production of white corpuscles (immune builder).

Finally, you'll find Frankincense in nearly every emotion oil blend.

As you ponder these ten oils, seeing how they can truly transform your mind into the way God has created it to be, note which oils you need to implement and do it. Make the choice to return your body to it's original design... one of perfection.


“Honor the physician with the honor due him. According to your need of him, for the Lord created him; for healing comes from the Most High. The Lord created medicines from the earth and a sensible man will not despise them. God gave skill to men that He might be glorified in His marvelous works. By them, He heals and takes away pain… My son, when you are sick do not be negligent, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you. Give up your faults and direct your hands aright, and cleanse your heart from sin… There is a time when success lies in the hands of physicians, for they too will pray to the Lord that he should grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving life. ~ Sirach


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