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Sensation Essential Oil

Not solely for the bedroom, but so much more!

When people ask what I do, I like to keep it super simple and say “I sell essential oils”. I figure if they stick around and ask more I can divulge my true identity as an emotion coach, rescue them from the lies of hell later.

Let’s be real, most people freak when they hear about emotional healing and assume you’re going to have them lay on a couch and force buckets of tears. I do not do that. Not in our first meeting anyway.

In any case, what I do love to share if given the chance is the truth about essential oils- that these are God’s word distilled in drops to heal your mind, body, and soul.

Touted for its benefits in the bedroom yet, it’s so much more. That description is painfully inadequate.

  • Have you ever heard that God loves you?

  • Have you ever heard that Jesus loves you?

If you’re like I use to be, your response might be “yea whatever blah blah blah, don’t feel it. Can’t be true.”

Anyone else led by their feelings at times?

The reason why you, we, me, may not feel it is because of old childhood wounds.

The very notion of a Heavenly Father is ludicrous at times in light of old pains and hurts.

So what we have here this essential oil blend called Sensation in order to bust through those old lies and remove the sting of rejection and pain AND help you begin to feel and receive love.

How this happens is way too much to share in a blog post. What I can say is, if you have a struggle with feeling loved, you need something that will remove the pain and trauma that is preventing you from experiencing God’s love.

Or anyone’s love for that matter.

One more thing- simply huffing in an oil is not going to release any amount of hurts. You must breathe it in. There is a marked difference. If you are in need of a tutorial on proper breathing in oils for the purpose of emotional release, see this video.

Order your own Sensation here.


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