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3 Perfect Essential Oils For New Moon

a new moon is once again upon us, so we shift...

Indulge me in this won't you?

The next month of moons we find ourselves in is considered a dark month because the days are progressively shorter and well, darker. But in the darkness is where we find our light shining brightest, yes?

In addition, this next season we find it to be a month of dreams. In the scriptures the rabbis read this month contain the most dreams out of any other portions. As we dive into this season it is fair to assume, it's dream time for all of the Creator's children, should we desire to do so.

The moon, stars and planets are given to us as guides for signs and seasons, harvest and plantings, beginnings and endings. Give careful attention to them and you will begin to see the fruit on your own life.


Gather your oils, dear friends and we'll align with the season our Creator is preparing for us next. As you begin your new season, allow these oils to be your guide-

Hope- This gives us hope for the future on a mental, spiritual and emotional level. It also reconnects us with our core strength so we can ease stress and despair and move forward with optimism and inner power. With we are able to release feelings of mundaneness and embrace light and vibrancy once again.

Dream Catcher-This is a perfect one to keep from negative dreams, but more importantly, assist you in DREAMING again! If you have been in a dark season, whether this past month, or year- Dream Catcher is one to use liberally in order to catch a vision and dream once again. If you would like to enhance meditation, visualization or manifestation of your goals, this oil is the key.

Acceptance- Acceptance is one to help stimulate your mind and open up to new ideas. If you have found yourself experiencing feelings of bitterness recently, Acceptance will most assuredly release that negative emotion and give way to something more life giving, such as, well- Acceptance, Joy, and Hope. It can be a challenge to allow space for Hope and Joy when we are clinging to bitter feelings. Release it, dear friend, and experience this new moon, this new season of Light, Hope, and Dreams!

However you decide to observe the New Moon, let is be a meaningful personal expression of thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness to us from month to month. The moons represent so much, look to the heavens for those signs.

Rest well, my friends.


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