All you need to know in order to support your beautiful body perfecting and effortlessly.
In a recent conversation, I was lamenting with a fellow oiler how challenging it can be to remember all the oils, all the #supplements and all the routines I want to implement into my days.
You know how it goes, first you begin to give your thyroid a little love, then someone posts about how amazing Ylang Ylang is for the heart and you remember that your great grandfather had a heart condition so you think, maybe i should support my heart. Seeing an article on hormone function you realize, egads! You haven't checked your levels and maybe now is the perfect time to add in Clary Sage and should you order PD 80/20? Will it help?
If we're not careful, one might end up a nit like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...
Let me ask you, what is the ONE body system you would like to most support. Yes, yes, I know, it all needs attention. However, in our fast pace world, taking 20 supplements and 100 drops of oil a day might be a touch tricky when you're first beginning to focus on your physical and emotional health.
"Caring for your body, mind, and spirit is your greatest and grandest responsibility. It's about listening to the needs of your soul and then honoring them"
What do each of the systems do anyway?
#Integumentary (skin)
Barrier to invading organisms and chemicals
Temperature control
Subcutaneous tissue
Supports and moves body
Protects internal organs
Mineral storage
Blood formation
Bone marrow
Heat production
Coordinates activities of other organ systems
Responds to sensations
Spinal cord
Regulates body functions by chemicals (hormones)
Pituitary gland
Parathyroid gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal gland
Transports oxygen and nutrients to tissues
Removes waste products
Blood vessels
Returns tissue fluid to blood
Defends against foreign organisms
Lymph nodes
Lymphatic vessels
Oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange
Nasal cavities
Processes foods
Absorption of nutrients into body
Intestinal tract
Salivary glands
Elimination of wastes
Regulates pH and volume of blood
Urinary bladder
Produces germ cells (eggs and sperm)
Environment for growth of fetus (female)
Mammary glands
Prostate gland
External genitalia
Now that you know specifics, it's time to decide, what is most critical for optimal change and function within your body?
the skeletal system
The skeletal system support includes essential oils! Joint health supplement with oils can encourage joint health and fluid movement and normal bone function. This #body system is responsible for helping you maintain your mobility. It also helps protect your body and provide its shape so as you get older proper support is recommended.
There are three ways to support your body systems, two of which #YoungLiving has several solutions for.
Essential Oils
Pan Away
Cool Azul
AgilEase is perfect for those wanting to gain greater mobility and flexibility through the reduction of inflammation. Supports healthy joints, flexibility and cartilage. More on AgilEase
BLM was specifically designed to support normal bone and joint health. It contains three essential oils, type II collagen and MSM that are known to support healthy cell function and encourage joint health and fluid movement.
Sulfurzyme was specifically designed to support healthy function of the body. It contains MSM (methyl-sulfonymethane) an organic form of naturally occurring sulfur; and Ningxia wolfberry and FOS. More on Sulurzyme.
OmegaGize contains Omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids with three therapeutic grade essential oils. Used daily these ingredients work together to support normal brain, eye, heart, and joint health. See? Several body systems in one handy supp! These Omega-3 capsules also contain Vitamin D3 and coenzyme Q10 supplement. The fish oil in OmegaGize3 is harvested from small cold water fish such as anchovy, mackerel and sardine which have a higher amount of Omega-3’s and a lower level of contaminants. These contaminants tend to concentrate in higher amounts in the larger fish.
Pure Protein Complete is a natural whey protein powder that supports the body nutritionally. This high protein meal replacement satisfies the appetite while providing the body's essential requirements. When we have the appropriate amount of protein, the joints, muscles and bones thrive!
Rest, stay hydrated, manage stress, release bitterness. Bitterness rots the bones, my friend. Lift weights or perform weight baring exercises.
the muscular system
Healthy muscular system support becomes more important not only as we age but for athletes and those of us that work out and exercise routinely.The function of the muscular system supports your movement. Providing your muscular system support helps with functions such as blood circulation and proper posture.
Essential Oils
Wintergreen Essential Oil
Lemongrass Essential Oil
Marjoram Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
Basil Essential Oil
Aroma Siez Essential Oil
PanAway Essential Oil
Deep Relief Essential Oil
BLM Joint and Bone Health Supplement *see above
OmegaGizeOmega-3 *see above
PowerGize Supplement is infused with Blue Spruce, Goldenrod and Cassia essential oil and specially formulated to support individuals of all ages boost stamina and performance. With botanicals from around the world, PowerGize helps sustain energy levels, strength, mental and physical vibrancy, and vitality when used in addition to physical activity. PowerGize essential oil supplement is also formulated with ashwagandha root extract KSM-66. The benefit of Ashwagandha root include properties that support immunity, mental clarity, concentration, and alertness. Its custom formula helps support the male reproductive system. It has been used in Southeast Asian and Indian Ayurvedic medicine.
Pure Protein Complete *see above
AminoWise Amino Acid supplement supports amino, exercise and muscle recovery. Includes antioxidant benefits and minerals formulated to help reduce lactic acid created by exercise.
Ningxia Red Wolfberry Drink a fabulous supporter for all body systems. This one is not specific to one, and should be taken daily regardless of need for support.
Habits Rest, stay hydrated, manage stress levels, walk and do yoga.
the nervous system
The nervous system is what keeps everything in your body working in harmony, so that you can move throughout the world, perform your daily functions, think clearly, and maintain health inside your body. So if you want to prevent a whole host of problems, health conditions, and serious diseases, then keeping your nervous system in top shape is essential.
Essential Oils
Valerian helps calm the nervous system when it is overactive. It can do this by affecting levels of neurotransmitters involved in rest and sleep.
Lavender has been seen in several animal and human investigations to suggest anxiolytic, mood stabilizer, sedative, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties.
Vetiver is known to improve the mental conditions like stress, anxiety and depression.
Cedarwood has grounding and calming effects.
Melissa can modulate the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the body, such as GABA. It can positively impact factors related to mood and cognitive performance, helping conditions like anxiety.
Roman Chamomile actually impacts the nervous system in a way that helps support a healthy sleep cycle. Researchers believe that chamomile has certain compounds in it that react with receptors in the brain that regulate our sleep-wake cycle.
Powergize- Ashwagandha(a key ingredient in Powergize) is an anti-inflammatory herb and an antioxidant. This makes it very helpful for protecting the nervous system, and it has been widely studied for its treatment of nervous system disorders. It may be useful for protecting against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and it may also boost memory and cognitive function. Ashwagandha can help promote calm and reduce anxiety.
Nitro- D-Ribose, Green tea extract, Mulberry leaf, Korean ginseng are all key components for excellent nervous system function, and are all in Nitro.
Ningxia Red- a fabulous supporter for all body systems. This one is not specific to one, and should be taken daily regardless of need for support. More Ningxia
Mindwise- supports normal brain function and overall cognitive and cardiovascular health and and contains CoQ, pomegranate and acai puree that have antioxidant benefits. Also has a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids, all very lovely for nervous system helps.
Sleep, adequate rest, exercise, and yes, raw foods.
the cardiovascular system
A healthy cardiovascular system support includes essential oils and healthy heart and brain supplements. These support normal heart and brain function beautifully. Our cardiovascular system is needed to transport important items throughout your body. Blood vessels,Heart and Blood comprise the cardiovascular system. Of course, it is the heart that powers the entire system.
Essential Oils
Ylang Ylang
AromaLife essential oil blend
MegaCal Magnesium Supplement Powder
OmegaGize³ *see above
MindWise Dietary Supplement *see above
Multigreens Spirulina Dietary Supplement is a chlorophyll supplement with benefits of bee pollen, anti-aging amino acids, kelp and choline. Designed to boost vitality by working with the glandular, nervous, and cardiovascular systems
Rest, hydration, manage stress levels, exercise.
the digestive system
Providing healthy digestive system support is essential to your overall wellness and fitness goals. This system is important because one must be able to properly digest the food you eat in order to distribute nutrients throughout the body. The digestive system consists of your throat, mouth, stomach, esophagus, gallbladder, colon, small intestine, rectum and anus. When this system properly breaks food down, the body is then able to use it for growth, energy and cell repair.
Essential Oils
Life 9 Probiotic Time Released Supplement promotes healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for overall support of a healthy immune system. Life 9 contains 9 strains and 17 billion live cultures.
Enzymes, including Essentialzyme, Detoxzyme, or Allerzyme. For more information on enzymes, click here.
ICP dietary fiber contains essential oils and herbal cleansing ingredients. Rotate this with ComforTone to support healthy digestion and cleansing of the colon. ICP includes fast acting enzymes that help break down protein and phytase an enzyme essential for vegetarians.
Comfortone Colon Cleanse Supplement allows you to colon cleanse naturally. It contains essential oils and herbal cleansing ingredients. Interchanging with ICP benefits the body at various times in the year. Eliminate residues from the colon and enhancing its natural ability to function optimally.
Rest, stay hydrated, manage stress levels, get moving physically.
the Endocrine and Reproductive system
The endocrine and reproductive system are intertwined more that most systems. Meaning, when you support one in a natural way, you'll likely be supporting the other inadvertently. The endocrine includes functions such as tissue function, metabolism, growth & development, sleep, reproduction, sexual function, mood. The last of course, include the reproductive system.
Essential Oils
Clary Sage
Idaho Blue Spruce
PD 80/20 pregnenolone for men and women with DHEA is the ideal endocrine system support supplement. After the age of 20 the body's ability to produce naturally occurring DHEA and pregnenolone begins to decline. Pregnenolone is the key precursor for the body's production of estrogen, DHEA, and progesterone. Pregnenolone has an impact on memory and mental acuity.
Prostate Health formulated to support normal prostate function. It includes saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil which have been studied and are known to support a healthy prostate gland.
FemiGen phytoestrogen supplement has all the benefits of dong quai, black cohosh amino acids and essential oils.
Cortistop cortisol reducing supplement for women with DHEA, black cohosh, pregnenolone and essential oils is the perfect balancing supplement. Difficulty maintaining healthy weight and maintaining optimal health of cardiovascular systems and cortisol have long been associated. Excessive stress in the body creates higher estrogen which limits the ability of the thyroid and adrenal glands to manage cortisol levels. This product also contains wild yam, dong quai, black cohosh, damiana and epimedium. Black and blue cohosh plants are natural sources of phytoestrogens. Traditionally, Black and Blue Cohosh have supported women. Wild yam benefits include supporting women's needs. Dong quai is often referred to as "The Female Ginseng" for its harmonizing qualities.
Thyromin is a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and therapeutic-grade essential oils. This balanced formula maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function
Powergize *see above
Rest, stay hydrated, manage stress levels, avoid alcohol, tobacco and all recreational drug use.
the lymphatic system, also immune system
Healthy lymphatic system support can include using essential oils, supplements and products that support and cleanse the lymphatics. The lymphatic system was designed to filter foreign material, manage the body’s fluid levels and to house types of white blood cells. This is accomplished when lymph is emptied into the blood after being filtered through the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes. Over 600 lymph nodes help filter lymph before it returns back to the circulatory system!
Essential Oils
Dry brushing is key for keeping the lymph system running smoothly. In addition, staying more than hydrated, deep breathing and rest.
the respiratory system
Healthy respiratory system support is absolutely vital when it comes to living an abundant life. The respiratory system is responsible for supplying oxygen to your entire body. As well, it regulates the humidity and temperature of the air that enters the lungs.
Essential oils
Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus Globulous
Supplements (all immune supporting)
Super C
Rest and adequate sleep, train your breathing and yoga.
the integumentary system
Healthy integumentary system support includes home remedies for oily skin, dry skin and hair. Essential oils and dietary supplements infused with oils support, moisturize and cleanse. The integumentary system is responsible for regulating body temperature and protecting your body from the environment. As well, it helps with waste elimination, retaining body fluids and disease protection.
Essential Oils
Ylang Ylang
Gentale Baby
Pan Away
Citrus Fresh
Omegagize *see above
Claraderm Spray for skin reinvigorates skin and relieves irritation. Use before and after childbirth to soothe and nourish skin in sensitive areas; and to comfort stressed skin.
Lavaderm Spray is a wonderful cooling spray made with therapeutic grade lavender oil and aloe vera. Lavender is known for having amazing skin supporting properties; and as such has been used to for moisturizing for sun exposed, chapped and dry skin for thousands of years.
Animal Scents Ointment is truly a all natural ointment that contains over eight therapeutic grade essential oils. It acts as a sealer when applied with other essential oils. It is a protective and soothing salve formulated for external use on animals but amazing for humans as well.
Rose Ointment is a wonderful skin care ointment that is made with therapeutic grade essential oils. It protects and nourishes the skin by helping to maintain the natural pH balance of the skin. It also soothes very dry and chapped skin.
Dry Brushing, rest, stay hydrated, enjoy healthy fats, and manage stress levels.
the urinary system
The urinary system’s purpose is to use urine in order to remove excess water and waste. The urinary system consists of kidneys, urinary bladder, uretha, and two ureters.
Essential Oils
Super C
Nitro *see above
Rest, drink water, decrease caffeine, deep breathing.
Ready to to purchase Supplements and Essential Oils? Head over to our shop!