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The Assignment

I understood the assignment when Jesus said, "Love the Lord with all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind."

I understood the assignment when Jesus said, "O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord!

I understood the assignment when He told us to Love our neighbor as ourselves.

I understood the assignment when He said to care for the orphan, the widows, and the oppressed.

I understood the assignment when the Lord said, "You shall fear the LORD your God; and you shall worship Him and swear by His name."

I understood the assignment when Jesus said, "Do not be anxious for tomorrow".

I understood the assignment when Jesus said, "Do not be anxious for your life, what you will eat or drink; nor for your body, what you will put on".

I understood the assignment when Jesus said to me, "Do not judge, otherwise you'll be judged in the same way".

I understood the assignment when He said to us all, ask, seek, & knock.

I understood the assignment when He say for me to lay up treasures in Heaven.

I understood the assignment when He explained to me that those treasures are for future use... here on earth.

I understood the assignment when the Savior said, "Follow Me!"

I understood the assignment when the Savior also said, "Come and see!".

I understood the assignment when Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden & learn from Me".

I understood the assignment when the Lord said, "Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you shall find rest for your souls."

I understood the assignment when the Lord said, "Be still and know that I am God."

I understood the assignment when He said I am to break the chains of wickedness, to untie the ropes of the yoke, to set the oppressed go free and then, to tear off every yoke.

I understood the assignment when He said, "do not remember the past events, or ponder things of the past.."

I understood the assignment... only after I was able to receive His infinite, unfathomable, unending Love.

I understand that there are many more assignments that He has yet to reveal to me, and some of which perhaps I have missed. Yet I understand that His grace is incredible and He will continue to teach me, stretch me and grow me so that I understand each assignment, so that I walk in it, and ultimately, find immense freedom and joy in the assignment.

Do you understand the assignment?

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