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Hello, hello! Oh I thrilled you stopped in.

As you can plainly see, my life is filled with characters, and well, a whole bunch of fun.  It is also riddled with miracles and glimpses into our Father in Heaven's heart. Pictured here is just a snippet of the collection of humans I birthed and while it may seem odd to only have three out of five pictures, it gives the reader a peek into our life. Beginning with, there is simply no way we all fit into one iPhone pic and the very idea of having pro photos taken is beyond distasteful for all of us. So we do what we can with what we have. The girls will be featured as well, you'll want to keep reading to hear their stories as well. 


Apologies, this is an about me page, not a why the interesting picture page. My name is Jen Weir and I have five fabulous humans I call my children, and one husband who have gone to be with Jesus in 2021. He was one who would honor all of my shenanigans and adventures with ease. Truly, my husband Mark is one of the biggest reason why you would be reading, aside from our Jesus. He is greatly missed here on earth and we look forward to a wonderful reunion one day with our Savior. Our house sits in the great state of Texas and our hearts are forever linked to the East Coast. Enjoy the discussions here surrounding what it looks like to have simple faith, while being extremely dangerous for the Kingdom of God.


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