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Biblical Emotional Healing

Let's see, before a world wide shut down, there were those who were barely hanging on.

Before a world wide shut down, few walked in their gifts and callings from God because frankly, the ideas had been abused out of them.

Survival was their jam.

Before all of it, and now after, many have all but given up on the possibility of any healing, whether physically, emotional or otherwise would ever come from this.

Survival is now a dream, coping is now the name of the game.

But here's what I know.

You were not born to survive.

You were not born to cope.

You were not born to barely hang on.

Each of you, YOU, were created by God, for His purpose. He called you before you were a speck in your mother's eyes, for such a time as this.

I do not use that phrase lightly, as I do not use the Word of God to blow smoke up anyone.

Such a time as this...

You see, a year ago I was gripped between choices, one to continue on the road I knew the Lord had me and my family on, or one to cave and not walk the path.

We didn't cave.

We walked it out.

And it made a whole lotta folks mad. Real mad. So mad there were more threats than I could handle.

See, we were alone in that. No support, no one to say, keep going. Because the truth is, when the po po showed up, folks scattered and wondered aloud if perhaps we were mistaken. It's true what they say, you know. You know who your true friends are when the cops come...

So we left. We ran away from the battle line.

We needed healing.

We needed emotional and spiritual healing.

Not catchy memes or platitudes. No cross stitched verse on a pillow. HEALING.

We went back to what we knew. His word. His medicine. His healing.

Three years ago the Lord gave me a course to teach, one born out of my own emotional pain, trials and victories.

It was awesome. A lot of folks got healed and went on to do some pretty amazing feats.

And now, because I know that if my family got raked over the coals, there are a whole lot of you who experienced the same thing. So, it's time to share yet another course, one focused on healing in the best possible way- using God's Word and God's medicine to heal His way and go do His thing.

Being an all exclusive type, I would love to invite you all to join our course beginning Tuesday, June 1. But here's the thing. Not all of you are ready for it, and that's cool. That's why I have 21 in '21.

But if you're like I was late last Summer, been raked over the coals because dang, 2020 got you feeling like a train wreck, then I especially want to invite you.

Because here's the thing- if you invest this time, this Summer to heal, to find the Lord really means what He says about healing, then I know, dear friend, I know, that you will never be the same. And not only that, come September- this world will never be the same.

If you’ve had cancer, you need this course.

If you’ve had abuse, you need this course.

If you’ve been in the military, you need this course.

If you’ve been in combat military, you need this course.

If you’re a first responder, you especially need this course.

If you’re a momma with a child who has a diagnosis that is challenging, you need this course.

If sleep escapes you because your mind races, you need this.

There are spaces carved out for 20 people, who know that by September, their desire is to change the world. But first, they need to do some work.

If that's you, I look forward to working with you.

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