About me sections are interesting, in my opinion. This is the section that I am suppose to tell you all these really cool things about me, things that would give me street credit and an acknowledgment of my expertise in the areas shared on this site. And there was a time when I was more than happy to tell you all about me, yet I'd rather talk about my Jesus. Apologies if that sounds nauseatingly cliche, but it's the truth. The more life I walk through, the more hardships I face, it's abundantly clear that the only reason I am not a total psychopath is Jesus and the miraculous redemptive work He has done in my life. Having said that, here's a smidge of backstory.
I grew an only child of two parents in the military. One parent was career military, one dabbled in the idea of it in order to gain some knowledge and skills for the workplace. Being a single mom has a way of causing a woman to try new things.
Married at 25 to a pretty cool guy, Mark, who passed away recently in August 2021. We have five incredible kids and since his passing I find myself more focused on them than ever- obviously. Growing up without a dad totally sucks out loud, but God is faithful.
Pre-widowhood, the Lord took me through a season of emotional healing after my oldest had cancer and my youngest was born with a life threatening birth defect. Both kids are thriving and healthy people now, yet the events that surrounded walking through health crisis' were quite traumatic to say the least.
This became terrifically apparent when I freaking about a pair of shoes being left on the stairs or spilled jelly on the counter. Granted, those are egregious but, not to the extent I was exaggerated by them. Essential oils had already been in my frame of reference yet not from an emotional health standpoint. Somehow I stumbled on a session of releasing negative emotions using essential oils, I began to see a pinpoint light at the end of my dark mind mess tunnel and away I went researching and finding more tools. If you have my personality you very much understand the learner mindset- finding a little help and hope and you're insatiable for all the answers until you exhaust every single one.
Seven years later I have yet to exhaust the avenues of emotional healing, yet with what I have learned, a course was created out of it all. I still research like mad to find more and better answers, Currently I see a bridge between the use of essential oils, dealing with soul/emotion issues and finally arriving at the place where one is ready and able to allow the Spirit of God to move in their own spirit. Many people simply cannot allow their spirit to thrive because the soul is blocking any amount of effort, reading and prayer they apply.
That being said, this is where you find this website, my blog and me currently.
In a nutshell, my goal is to bring you to an optimal place of healed, and then point you in a direction of thriving in your body, soul and spirit.
I do this all while walking a path of healing myself. The information I share here wouldn't be worth any amount of time and energy if I haven't walked it, lived and fleshed it out in real time. Lucky you, you have a front row seat into it all!