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resentment and regret...

Resentment is sneaky. If not properly dealt with, it becomes a root of bitterness which we all know- rots the bones. And regret- there is nothing worse than holding regret in your body. Why ponder anything that feels as though it’s a loss? Regret is toxin and damaging. If this is a part of your story, dear friend it’s time to release.

"Let's not burden our remembrance with a heaviness that's gone." Shakespear



The benefits of lemongrass may support healthy joints and repel those pesky outdoor annoyances.

This oil has an interesting aromatic affect on the mind. Its pungent and earthy aroma heightens mental awareness, and purifies the mind.



• Lemongrass releases resentment, regret from the “should of” statements and pessimism by transforming these negative energies into positive energies. It allows the left brain to see options, so once the negative energies are released, optimism, courage and hope prevails.

• Lemongrass also protects our auric field from electromagnetic energy (TV, computers, radio). So it would be a good one to wear at the airport, or anywhere really when are bodies are bombarded with these energies.

A little essential oil trivia;

Did you know that lemongrass essential oil contains 67% aldehydes? Aldehydes give oils some of the best fragrances known to the perfume and cologne industry. Chanel No 5 is a blend of synthetically made aldehydes. And Citronella and Palmarosa are also in the same family as lemongrass? While they have different therapeutic purposes, they do share some plant properties.


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